assembly instructions
Below you can find simple assembly instructions on how to assemble your new Charred Axle miniatures.
At the bottom of this page you can find images of all the weapons in the Charred Axle armoury to help you identify them.
free digital rulebook
You can head over to the store to grab a FREE copy of the simplified rulebook in PDF format, or you can click here to get it without entering your details.
tokens,and markers
To get you started you can find some simple 2D illustrations to use for the tokens and markers you need for a game of Charred Axle in a printable PDF here.
pit crew page
An interactive web based tool that you can use to track your Rig's stats and equipment during games. CLICK HERE.
youtube channel
COMING SOON! Pre-recorded streams of Charred Axle games and more will be uploaded to the Charred Axle Youtube Channel.
how to assemble youR
charred axle miniatures



